So I really got into Hot Wheels a few years ago when my first son was born. It has been a great hobby that is fun for me and my son. I recently had a daughter born and started keeping my eyes open for pink cars. There aren't tons, but a visit to ebay can net you quite a few, and every once in a while a new one will show up on the racks at the stores. I've began compiling a list of all the pink Hot Wheels. I've tried to stay away from flat out purple (which is also another great color for that little princess Hot Wheeler) but some of these cars are a pinkish-purple. I'm sure this list is not complete, but I'll continue to add cars to the list as I come across them. Ok, enough talk, here we go!
This is a Bye-Focal from the 1972 Hot Wheels series.This early Redline model has great color and smooth lines. A great looking car!
Bye-Focal |
This is a '70 Plymouth AAR Cuda. It was one of the 2009 new models.
'70 Plymouth AAR Cuda |
Here is the '70 Plymouth AAR Cuda from the 2011 Street Beasts series.
'70 Plymouth AAR Cuda |
This is the Simpson's Family Car. It was part of the HW City Tooned series in 2015.
Simpsons Family Car |
Here is the 1991 Shadow Jet. It was from the Heros on Hot Wheels series.
Shadow Jet |
Here is the '35 Classic Caddy from the 1989 Hot Wheels Classics series. It's not all pink, but a nice looking car that sparkles and has pink on it.
'35 Classic Caddy |
Next we have the '59 Cadillac Funny Car from the 2009 Hot Wheels Classics series. This car is more of a pinkish-purple, but still pretty sweet!
'59 Cadillac Funny Car |
This is the Classic Nomad from the 1970 series. Notice those redline wheels. Love it!
Classic Nomad |
Next up is another Classic Nomad. This is from the 1993 Vintage Series 8-pack.
Classic Nomad |
Here is another Classic Nomad, this one coming from the 1993 25th Anniversary Series.
Classic Nomad |
Then there is this Classic Nomad from the 2005 Hot Wheels Classics series.
Classic Nomad |
This is Combat Medic from the 2012 Hot Wheels City Works series.
Combat Medic |
Here is Bone Shaker from the 2007 Hot Wheels Classics series.
Bone Shaker |
Up next is a Bone Shaker from the 2013 Hot Wheels Showroom American Turbo Series.
Bone Shaker |
This sweet looking ride is T-Bucket from the 2013 Cool Classics series.
T-Bucket |
This car is 16 Angels from the 2015 Hot Wheels Race Night Storm series.
16 Angels |
Here is an 80s Firebird from 1992. It was a shopping mall promo found in a 2-pack
80s Firebird |
This is Flashfire from the 1993 Heroes on Hot Wheels series.
Flashfire |
Here is another Flashfire, this one from the 1993 25 Anniversary Dream Car 5-Pack.
Flashfire |
This '47 Chevy Fleetline is from the 2014 Cool Classics series.
'47 Chevy Fleetline |
This is the 3 window '34 from the 1993 series. It's not all pink, but sure looks good.
3 Window '34 |
Then there is this 3 window '34 from the 1996 series. A couple of variations were found in 5-packs.
3 Window '34 |
Here is a '68 Mercury Cougar from the 2005 Hot Wheels Classics series.
'68 Mercury Cougar |
Here is another '68 Mercury Cougar from the 2008 Hot Wheels Classics Series.
'68 Mercury Cougar |
This is the '68 Mercury Cougar from the 2009 Larry's Garage series.
'68 Mercury Cougar |
The next car is Purple Passion. Don't let the name fool you. Quite a few versions came out in pink. The first one was from the 1994 Hot Wheels Custom Rods series.
Purple Passion |
Here is another Purple Passion...or should we say "Pink Passion"...from 2002.
Purple Passion |
How about this Purple Passion from the 2007 Hot Wheels Classics series. Can you say Pretty in Pink?
Purple Passion |
Here is another Purple Passion from the 2009 Larry's Garage series.
Purple Passion |
This is a Purple Passion from the 2010 Mainline Mystery series.
Purple Passion |
This is a '62 Corvette from the 2009 Hot Wheels Classics series.
'62 Corvette |
Here's another '62 Corvette from the 2011 Cars of the Decades series.
'62 Corvette |
This is a '67 Pontiac Firebird 400 from the 2012 Muscle Mania-GM series.
'67 Pontiac Firebird 400 |
Here is a VW Bug from the 1995 Pearl Driver Series.
VW Bug |
And another VW Bug from 2003.
VW Bug |
Check out this VW Bug from the 2005 Classic Series.
VW Bug |
Here is a Nerve Hammer from the 2014 Hot Wheels Race - X-Raycers Series.
Um do you really need to look for just pink cars for your daughter. Try to expand her interests, and maybe come up with another title aside from "pink hot wheels for girls" when oink hot wheels is for any gender
ReplyDeletepink I mean